ProGP155 (Flagellin)

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ProGP ID ProGP155 (Flagellin)
Validation Status Uncharacterized
Organism Information
Organism NamePseudomonas aeruginosa PAK/5940
Domain Bacteria
Classification Phylum : Proteobacteria
Class : Gammaproteobacteria
Orders : Pseudomonadales
Family : Pseudomonadaceae
Genus : Pseudomonas
Species : aeruginosa
Strain : PAK/5942
Taxonomic ID (NCBI) 287
Genome Information
GenBank AE004091
EMBL AE004091
Organism Additional Information Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen responsible for nosocomial pneumonia. It possesses a multitude of virulence factors including type IV pili that mediate adhesion to host cells. It is also the major cause of mortality among cystic fibrosis (CF) patients.
Protein Information
Protein NameFlagellin
Subcellular LocationSecreted
Function Structural subunit of flagellum.
Glycosylation Status
Technique(s) used for Glycosylation DetectionDetection of large molecular mass shift after treatment with TFMS.
Glycan Information
Glycan Annotation 15% carbohydrate.
Year of Identification1998
Year of Identification Month Wise1998.06
ReferenceBrimer, C.D. and Montie, T.C., 1998. Cloning and comparison of fliC genes and identification of glycosylation in the flagellin of Pseudomonas aeruginosa a-type strains. Journal of bacteriology, 180(12), pp.3209-3217.
Corresponding Author T. C. Montie
ContactDepartment of Microbiology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville 37996-0845, USA.