ProGP20 (Outer membrane protein (50 kDa))

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ProGP ID ProGP20 (Outer membrane protein (50 kDa))
Validation Status Uncharacterized
Organism Information
Organism NameBacteroides nodosus
Domain Bacteria
Classification Phylum : Proteobacteria
Class : Gammaproteobacteria
Orders : Cardiobacteriales
Family : Cardiobacteriaceae
Genus : Bacteroides
Species : nodosus
Taxonomic ID (NCBI) 870
Genome Information
GenBank X52390
EMBL X52390
Organism Additional Information The Bacteroides constitute the major population of human intestinal microbiota. They are beneficial to the humans in terms of metabolism, development, and immunity. They play roles in recycling of bile acids, provision of short-chain fatty acids to the host and angiogenesis.
Protein Information
Protein NameOuter membrane protein (50 kDa)
Subcellular LocationMembrane
Year of Identification1984
Year of Identification Month Wise1984.1
ReferenceEmery, D.L., Clark, B.L., Stewart, D.J., O'donnell, I.J. and Hewish, D.R., 1984. Analysis of the outer membrane proteins of Bacteroides nodosus, the causal organism of ovine footrot. Veterinary microbiology, 9(2), pp.155-168.