ProGP53 (33 kDa minor core flagellin)

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ProGP ID ProGP53 (33 kDa minor core flagellin)
Validation Status Uncharacterized
Organism Information
Organism NameSpirochaeta aurantia M1
Domain Bacteria
Classification Phylum : Spirochaetes
Class : Spirochaetia
Orders : Spirochaetales
Family : Spirochaetaceae
Genus : Spirochaeta
Species : aurantia
Strain : M1
Taxonomic ID (NCBI) 147
Genome Information
GenBank M24459.1
EMBL M24459
Protein Information
Protein Name33 kDa minor core flagellin
UniProtKB/SwissProt ID P21985
UniProtKB Sequence >sp|P21985|FLA2_SPIAU Flagellar filament 33 kDa core protein (Fragment) OS=Spirochaeta aurantia PE=1 SV=1 MIINHNMSAINAQXVQGBVT
Sequence length 20 AA (fragment)
Subcellular LocationSecreted
Function Flagellar filament 33 kDa core protein.
Glycosylation Status
Technique(s) used for Glycosylation DetectionConA blotting.
Year of Identification1988
Year of Identification Month Wise1988.09
ReferenceBrahamsha, B. and Greenberg, E.P., 1988. Biochemical and cytological analysis of the complex periplasmic flagella from Spirochaeta aurantia. Journal of bacteriology, 170(9), pp.4023-4032.
Corresponding Author E P Greenberg
ContactDepartment of Microbiology, New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca