ProGP1164 (DegP)

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ProGP ID ProGP1164 (DegP)
Validation Status Uncharacterized
Organism Information
Organism NameVibrio cholere
Domain Bacteria
Classification Phylum : Proteobacteria
Class : Gammaproteobacteria
Orders : Vibrionales
Family : Vibrionaceae
Genus : Vibrio
Species : cholerae
Taxonomic ID (NCBI) 666
Gene Information
Gene NamedegP
Protein Information
Protein NameDegP
Function Glycosylation of multiple proteins and efficacy of type-II dependent secretion
Glycosylation Status
Glycosylation Type O- (Ser/Thr) linked
Technique(s) used for Glycosylation DetectionLC-MS/MS 
Glycan Information
Glycan Annotation diNAcBac monosaccharide
Technique(s) used for Glycan Identification Mass Spectrometry
Protein Glycosylation linked (PGL) gene(s)
OST ProGT IDProGT132 (RbmD)
Year of Identification2019
ReferenceVorkapic, D., Mitterer, F., Pressler, K., Leitner, D.R., Anonsen, J.H., Liesinger, L., Mauerhofer, L.M., Kuehnast, T., Toeglhofer, M., Schulze, A. and Zingl, F.G., 2019. A broad spectrum protein glycosylation system influences type II protein secretion and associated phenotypes in Vibrio cholerae. Frontiers in microbiology, 10, p.2780.
Corresponding Author Stefan Schild
Contact1.Institute of Molecular Biosciences, University of Graz, Graz, Austria 2.BioTechMed-Graz, Graz, Austria