ProGP120 (Protein A (cell wall glycoprotein))

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ProGP ID ProGP120 (Protein A (cell wall glycoprotein))
Validation Status Uncharacterized
Organism Information
Organism NameStaphylococcus aureus
Domain Bacteria
Classification Phylum : Firmicutes
Class : Bacilli
Orders : Bacillales
Family : Staphylococcaceae
Genus : Staphylococcus
Species : aureus
Taxonomic ID (NCBI) 367830
Genome Information
GenBank CP000255
EMBL CP000255
Protein Information
Protein NameProtein A (cell wall glycoprotein)
Subcellular LocationCell wall
Function Possess a number of immunomodulatory and antitumor properties. Suppression of the primary antibody response by PA helps in tumor regression by reducing the soluble immunosuppressive immune complexes.
Year of Identification1995
Year of Identification Month Wise1995.11
ReferenceZaidi, S.I.A., Singh, K.P., Raisuddin, S., Jafri, A., Saxena, A.K., Choudhary, S. and Ray, P.K., 1995. Modulation of primary antibody response by protein A in tumor bearing mice. Immunopharmacology and immunotoxicology, 17(4), pp.759-773.
Corresponding Author Elke Dittmann
ContactPreventive Toxicology Division, Industrial Toxicology Research Centre, M.G. Marg, Lucknow, India.