ProGP139 (S-layer glycoprotein)
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ProGP ID | ProGP139 (S-layer glycoprotein) |
Validation Status | Uncharacterized |
Organism Information | |
Organism Name | Bacillus smithii |
Domain | Bacteria |
Classification | Phylum : Firmicutes Class : Bacilli Orders : Bacillales Family : Bacillaceae Genus : Bacillus Species : smithii |
Taxonomic ID (NCBI) | 665952 |
Genome Information | |
GenBank | NZ_JH414765.1. |
EMBL | ACWF01000170 |
Protein Information | |
Protein Name | S-layer glycoprotein |
Subcellular Location | Surface |
Function | Component of the surface layer. |
Literature | |
Year of Identification | 1997 |
Year of Identification Month Wise | 1997.11 |
Reference | Messner, P., Scheberl, A., Schweigkofler, W., Hollaus, F., Rainey, F.A., Burghardt, J. and Prillinger, H., 1997. Taxonomic comparison of different thermophilic sugar beet isolates with glycosylated surface layer (S-Layer) proteins and their affiliation to Bacillus smithii. Systematic and applied microbiology, 20(4), pp.559-565. |
Corresponding Author | Paul Messner |
Contact | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Center for NanoBiotechnology A-1180 Vienna, Gregor-Mendel-Strasse 33, Austria. |