ProGP16 (50 kDa antigen)

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ProGP ID ProGP16 (50 kDa antigen)
Validation Status Uncharacterized
Organism Information
Organism NameMycobacterium kansasii
Domain Bacteria
Classification Phylum : Actinobacteria
Class : Actinomycetia
Orders : Corynebacteriales
Family : Mycobacteriaceae
Genus : Mycobacterium
Species : kansasii
Taxonomic ID (NCBI) 557599
Genome Information
GenBank CP006835
EMBL CP006835
Protein Information
Protein Name50 kDa antigen
Function It is a potent antigen for tuberculin skin test. However, a limited specificity is displayed by skin test reactions to it in sensitized guinea pigs.
Glycosylation Status
Technique(s) used for Glycosylation DetectionLectin affinity chromatography
Year of Identification1983
Year of Identification Month Wise1983.1
ReferenceMa, Y. and Daniel, T.M., 1983. Isolation, Characterization, and Specificity of a Glycoprotein Antigen from Mycobacterium kansasi. American Review of Respiratory Disease, 128(6), pp.1059-1064.