ProGP167 (BclA (collagen-like protein))

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ProGP ID ProGP167 (BclA (collagen-like protein))
Validation Status Uncharacterized
Organism Information
Organism NameBacillus cereus ATCC 10876
Domain Bacteria
Classification Phylum : Firmicutes
Class : Bacilli
Orders : Bacillales
Family : Bacillaceae
Genus : Bacillus
Species : cereus
Taxonomic ID (NCBI) 1396
Genome Information
GenBank NZ_MNKZ01000327.1.
EMBL AF246294
Protein Information
Protein NameBclA (collagen-like protein)
Subcellular LocationSurface
Function 1. 205,70 and 30-kDa glycoproteins are present in the exosporium which is a transparent and loose covering of the spore.
2. BclA is the major constituent of the hairy surface of exosporium, the resistant and flexible paracrystalline layer of spores. The exosporium plays a role in spore adhesion and virulence. The trimerized glycoprotein BclA is attached to the basal layer through an N-terminal domain.
Glycosylation Status
Technique(s) used for Glycosylation DetectionGlycoprotein detection kit
Glycan Information
Glycan Annotation Sugars identified include glucose, rhamnose, ribose, and glucosamine (amino sugar). 3.8% total amino sugar content determined.
In Bacillus cereus strain T, carbohydrates were determined using differential anthrone method, orcinol method, and aniline phthalic acid and ammoniacal silver nitrate reactions after descending paper chromatography.
Year of Identification1999
Year of Identification Month Wise1999.1
ReferenceTodd, S.J., Moir, A.J., Johnson, M.J. and Moir, A., 2003. Genes of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus anthracis encoding proteins of the exosporium. Journal of bacteriology, 185(11), pp.3373-3378.
Corresponding Author  Anne Moir
ContactDepartment of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.
ReferenceCharlton, S., Moir, A.J.G., Baillie, L. and Moir, A., 1999. Characterization of the exosporium of Bacillus cereus. Journal of applied microbiology, 87(2), pp.241-245.
Corresponding Author  Anne Moir
ContactDepartment of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.
ReferenceMatz, L.L., Beaman, T.C. and Gerhardt, P., 1970. Chemical composition of exosporium from spores of Bacillus cereus. Journal of bacteriology, 101(1), pp.196-201.