ProGP49 (S-layer glycoprotein)

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ProGP ID ProGP49 (S-layer glycoprotein)
Validation Status Uncharacterized
Organism Information
Organism NameMethanolacinia paynteri
Domain Archaea
Classification Phylum : Euryarchaeota
Class : Methanomicrobia
Orders : Methanomicrobiales
Family : Methanocorpusculaceae
Genus : Methanocorpusculum
Species : Methanolacinia
Subspecies : paynteri
Taxonomic ID (NCBI) 230356
Protein Information
Protein NameS-layer glycoprotein
Subcellular LocationSurface
Function Constituent of the surface layer.
Year of Identification1989
Year of Identification Month Wise1989.03
ReferenceZELLNER, G., MESSNER, P., KNEIFEL, H., TINDALL, B.J., WINTER, J. and STACKEBRANDT, E., 1989. Methanolacinia gen. nov., incorporating Methanomicrobium paynteri as Methanolacinia paynteri comb. nov. The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 35(3), pp.185-202.