ProGP49 (S-layer glycoprotein)
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ProGP ID | ProGP49 (S-layer glycoprotein) |
Validation Status | Uncharacterized |
Organism Information | |
Organism Name | Methanolacinia paynteri |
Domain | Archaea |
Classification | Phylum : Euryarchaeota Class : Methanomicrobia Orders : Methanomicrobiales Family : Methanocorpusculaceae Genus : Methanocorpusculum Species : Methanolacinia Subspecies : paynteri |
Taxonomic ID (NCBI) | 230356 |
Protein Information | |
Protein Name | S-layer glycoprotein |
Subcellular Location | Surface |
Function | Constituent of the surface layer. |
Literature | |
Year of Identification | 1989 |
Year of Identification Month Wise | 1989.03 |
Reference | ZELLNER, G., MESSNER, P., KNEIFEL, H., TINDALL, B.J., WINTER, J. and STACKEBRANDT, E., 1989. Methanolacinia gen. nov., incorporating Methanomicrobium paynteri as Methanolacinia paynteri comb. nov. The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 35(3), pp.185-202. |