ProGP81 (S-layer glycoprotein)

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ProGP ID ProGP81 (S-layer glycoprotein)
Validation Status Uncharacterized
Organism Information
Organism NamePyrodictium abyssi
Domain Archaea
Classification Phylum : Crenarchaeota
Class : Thermoprotei
Orders : Desulfurococcales
Family : Pyrodictiaceae
Genus : Pyrodictium
Species : abyssi
Taxonomic ID (NCBI) 54256
Genome Information
GenBank AB304838
EMBL AB304838
Protein Information
Protein NameS-layer glycoprotein
Subcellular LocationSurface
Year of Identification1991
Year of Identification Month Wise1991.08
ReferencePley, U., Schipka, J., Gambacorta, A., Jannasch, H.W., Fricke, H., Rachel, R. and Stetter, K.O., 1991. Pyrodictium abyssi sp. nov. represents a novel heterotrophic marine archaeal hyperthermophile growing at 110 C. Systematic and applied microbiology, 14(3), pp.245-253.
Corresponding Author Karl O. Stetter
ContactChair of Microbiology, University of Regensburg, 8400 Regensburg, Germany