ProGP81 (S-layer glycoprotein)
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ProGP ID | ProGP81 (S-layer glycoprotein) |
Validation Status | Uncharacterized |
Organism Information | |
Organism Name | Pyrodictium abyssi |
Domain | Archaea |
Classification | Phylum : Crenarchaeota Class : Thermoprotei Orders : Desulfurococcales Family : Pyrodictiaceae Genus : Pyrodictium Species : abyssi |
Taxonomic ID (NCBI) | 54256 |
Genome Information | |
GenBank | AB304838 |
EMBL | AB304838 |
Protein Information | |
Protein Name | S-layer glycoprotein |
Subcellular Location | Surface |
Literature | |
Year of Identification | 1991 |
Year of Identification Month Wise | 1991.08 |
Reference | Pley, U., Schipka, J., Gambacorta, A., Jannasch, H.W., Fricke, H., Rachel, R. and Stetter, K.O., 1991. Pyrodictium abyssi sp. nov. represents a novel heterotrophic marine archaeal hyperthermophile growing at 110 C. Systematic and applied microbiology, 14(3), pp.245-253. |
Corresponding Author | Karl O. Stetter |
Contact | Chair of Microbiology, University of Regensburg, 8400 Regensburg, Germany |