ProGP87 (Cellulase (30 kDa) and Xylanase (15.7 kDa))

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ProGP ID ProGP87 (Cellulase (30 kDa) and Xylanase (15.7 kDa))
Validation Status Uncharacterized
Organism Information
Organism NameBacillus sp.
Domain Bacteria
Classification Phylum : Firmicutes
Class : Bacilli
Orders : Bacillales
Family : Bacillaceae
Genus : Bacillus
Taxonomic ID (NCBI) 84635
Genome Information
GenBank AB037178
EMBL AB037178
Protein Information
Protein NameCellulase (30 kDa) and Xylanase (15.7 kDa)
Subcellular LocationExtracellular
Function Degrade cellulosic and hemicellulosic components of the substrate, rice husk. They are active against 1% CMC and 0.5% xylan respectively.
Year of Identification1992
Year of Identification Month Wise1992.05
ReferencePaul, J. and Varma, A.K., 1992. Glycoprotein components of cellulase and xylanase enzymes of aBacillus sp. Biotechnology letters, 14(3), pp.207-212.
Corresponding Author Jaishree Paul
ContactMicrobiology Unit, School of Life SciencesJawaharlal Nehru UniversityNew DelhiIndia