ProGP98 (32kDa flagellin)

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ProGP ID ProGP98 (32kDa flagellin)
Validation Status Uncharacterized
Organism Information
Organism NameMethanococcus deltae
Domain Archaea
Classification Phylum : Euryarchaeota
Class : Methanococci
Orders : Methanococcales
Family : Methanococcaceae
Genus : Methanococcus
Species : deltae
Taxonomic ID (NCBI) 39152
Genome Information
GenBank BX950229.1
EMBL BX950229
Protein Information
Protein Name32kDa flagellin
Subcellular LocationFlagellum
Function Structural component of flagellum.
Glycosylation Status
Technique(s) used for Glycosylation DetectionThymol-sulfuric acid staining and bacitracin treatment before SDS-PAGE analysis.
Year of Identification1993
Year of Identification Month Wise1993.09
ReferenceBayley, D.P., Kalmokoff, M.L. and Jarrell, K.F., 1993. Effect of bacitracin on flagellar assembly and presumed glycosylation of the flagellins of Methanococcus deltae. Archives of Microbiology, 160(3), pp.179-185.