ProGT135 (RbmD)

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ProGT ID ProGT135 (RbmD)
Organism Information
Organism NameVibrio cholerae
Clinical ImplicationPathogenic
Classification Phylum : Proteobacteria
Class : GammaProteobacteria
Orders : Vibrionales
Family : Vibrionaceae
Genus : Vibrio
Species : cholerae
Taxonomic ID (NCBI)666
Genome Information
Gene Information
Protein information
Protein NameRbmD 
Function in Native Organism It is a protein with structural similarities to PglLVc and other established oligosaccharyltransferases (OTases) of this bacteria
Additional InformationRbmD generally affect secretion of T2SS-dependent substrates including chitinases, its mutants exhibit altered growth on chitin. 
Glycosyltransferase Information
Glycosylation TypeO- (Ser/Thr) linked 
Mechanism of Glycan TransferEn bloc
Donor TypeUnd-PP-diNAcBac
Donor SpecificityLipid linked sugars
Glycan Information
Glycan transferredUnd-PP-diNAcBac 
Method of Glycan IndentificationLC-MS/MS 
Experimental_strategiesIn vivo and In vitro 
Acceptor Subtrate Information
Acceptor Substrate name DegP
ProGPdb ID ProGP1158 (DegP)
Year Of Validation2019 
Reference Vorkapic, D., Mitterer, F., Pressler, K., Leitner, D.R., Anonsen, J.H., Liesinger, L., Mauerhofer, L.M., Kuehnast, T., Toeglhofer, M., Schulze, A. and Zingl, F.G., 2019. A broad spectrum protein glycosylation system influences type II protein secretion and associated phenotypes in Vibrio cholerae. Frontiers in microbiology, 10, p.2780.

Corresponding Author1. Institute of Molecular Biosciences, University of Graz, Graz, Austria